Corporate and Personal Tax Planning


We recognize your expectations for the firm you choose to exhibit a deep commitment to your organization, providing comprehensive tax planning and consulting expertise aimed at minimizing tax liabilities and optimizing returns for shareholders. You rightfully anticipate a dedicated team of  professionals with specialized expertise tailored to your unique requirements, capable of offering constructive guidance while ensuring full compliance with both domestic and international tax regulations.


Company Statutory & Audit


We provide an opinion on whether the Financial Statements accurately reflect a true and fair view of the financial period under review. Our evaluations adhere strictly to professional standards, ensuring compliance with generally accepted accounting practices. Additionally, our audit procedures are tailored to the unique needs of each client.


Financial Advisory


Lai & Tan’s consulting arm offers clients comprehensive planning and advisory services aimed at achieving industry benchmarks. Our suite of services encompasses strategic planning, business management, and enhancements to financial systems. These enhancements involve thorough cost management reviews, intricate financial modeling, and in-depth analysis.

Lai & Tan 的咨询部门为客户提供全面的规划和咨询服务,旨在实现行业基准。我们的服务套件包括战略规划、业务管理和财务系统增强。这些增强功能涉及彻底的成本管理审查、复杂的财务建模和深入的分析。

Propel your business forward swiftly and efficiently at every stage, leveraging our integrated suite of corporate solutions fueled by innovation and cutting-edge technology.
